Subscribe to Comments plugin now on

My popular Subscribe to Comments plugin has now been enabled on the millions of blogs! Subscribe to Comments puts a checkbox in your comments form that, if checked when leaving a comment, will e-mail that commenter all followup comments on that post.

Give it a try! It’s a really simple and easy way to stay involved with a comment thread and actually have a conversation, instead of making what I call “drive-by comments.” Remember that you can unsubscribe at any time.

For people with their own WordPress installs, I’ll have an update to the plugin out soon, and may follow that with another if Donncha gets me the changes made to the version and I think the general WordPress community would benefit from those changes.

56 thoughts on “Subscribe to Comments plugin now on

  1. Yes, it’s definetly a great plugin, deserving a place in the top 10. Because, who knows (e.g. me not) where I made a comment 2 days later? And if somebody has replied? So it’s a must for a WordPress installation.

  2. I hope that in new version issue with i18n will be fixed, I couldn’t make Aleksandar’s translation work on any of my installations (2.6.x and 2.7).

    Also available translations should be shipped with plugin.

  3. Milan, both of those issues will be fixed with the next release (depending, of course, and the ability of translators to get translations to me in a timely fashion — it might just ship with a few, and then update as they are provided to me).

  4. Hi, I know it has been discused before in deep why the checkbox is not enable by default. I dont know a lot about php, so I couldnt change it in the code. But really, I need it enable by default. My users where use to that. Dont judge me, Im not a spammer or anything like that. I just really want the option to be enabled by default. Is there any site where i can get the proper code to make it work like that? I will appreciate your help and comments. TIA,


  5. Мало:) Пиши дальше, а то обрывается как-то на самом интересном месте.

  6. Is the last version of this plugin support the Ajax used by the plugin Cforms? I would like to use your plugin cause i have more comments on my blog now. But i use Cform to replace the default comment form and Subscribe to comment can’t used with the Ajax function.


  7. Excellent and simple plugin. I’ve uploaded on our own hosted WordPress and I have to say it’s one of the key things that have managed to bring readers back.

  8. I’ve loved this plugin forever on my .org blog, and am really looking forward to some updates, particularly around threaded comment replies and having CONTEXT in the email.

    Also, stylized HTML email templates would be a big plus. the Subscription Manager is themable (nice to have, but not necessary in my particular case), but having the EMAIL be themable would be very awesome.

    – email template for FIRST comment subscription — this could include a welcome statement, RSS feeds, intro, etc
    – email template for SUBSEQUENT “subscribe to all” notifications
    – email template for COMMENT REPLY notifications (ie, just so that people can get notifications when their particular comment is replied to, not all comments
    – email template for AUTHOR COMMENTS (ie, so people can just subscribe to the post author’s comments, and not everyones.

    Great stuff!

    1. but it’s not display user avatar like html emails plugin ! in notification emails it should show user avatar like facebook notification & ‘html emails’ plugin

  9. Mark – I cannot get this plugin to work. I installed the php file in the plugins folder and activated. However I know from nothing about php and cannot find the place in my comments.php file to insert the code snippet. I hesitate to post the entire comments.php code here and can’t find an email address for you.

    Can you help me with this? The help file says to look in the file for a “hook” and I don’t have a clue what that is.

  10. Mark – I cannot get this plugin to work. I installed the php file in the plugins folder and activated. However I know from nothing about php and cannot find the place in my comments.php file to insert the code snippet. I hesitate to post the entire comments.php code here and can’t find an email address for you.

    Can you help me with this? The help file says to look in the file for a “hook” and I don’t have a clue what that is.

  11. Hi Mark,

    Your plugin looks great, however I’m waiting for the changes to be incorporated before using the plugin on all of our clients’ sites.

    Has there been any progress on merging the changes into the plugin so us users can take advantage of it?

    Were donncha’s changes part of the changes that you made 4 days ago?

    Thanks very much.

  12. Mark, do you have any plans about finishing update of plugin? I see in trac that you worked several weeks ago but that version overthere is unusable. Main reason why I’m asking this is because of translations, since I want to provide it to users in my country.

  13. Does the plugin work on 2.71 yet? I’ve seen a page that suggests changing one line of code to make it work. It would be great simply to have something valid for 2.71 while we wait for the ideal version you envision…

    Has anyone gotten the plugin working on 2.7?

    Can anyone recommend this plugin versus “Comment Reply Notification” for 2.7?

    I just need something that works now. Thanks.

  14. Just surfing the web and found your site,I am also involved with people search and background checks.Your site has been really helpful thanks.

  15. Hi Vincent, i have a big question that i cannot find the answer to. please can you help me with this? in the lost book of nostradamus, plate 67 (one male) text. what language is the whole text in and what does it say? I would be most gratfull if you could answer me this, Thank you.

  16. Hi there,

    I am using your plugin and I love it very much but unfortunately in the wordpress theme I am using it is not shown correctly. Is there a way that the plugin not to be entered automatically in the theme but to manually add it? The checkbox appears in the top right of the page and the Notify me of follow-up on the bottom of the page. I tried to css clear option from the subscribe to comments option but in vain..

    Any help would be appreciated,

  17. I’m sure I’m not alone in this, but I’d love to be able to style the email that goes out, so it looks like the ones from hosted blogs.

    From the looks of the trac repository, Mark has been spending some time on the code just this past week. Fingers crossed!

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