Tip for merging two WordPress blogs

WordPress’ built-in export/import functionality makes it a snap to merge two blogs into one. You simply export from the blog you’re going to retire, import into the blog you’re going to keep, and then forward the old domain to the new one.

Here’s my tip: do not select an existing blog user to “own” the imported content! Instead, create a new temporary user just for that content. Here is why: the imported posts may need some manual cleanup, like integration into the new blog’s category structure, or adding/removing tags. By importing into a new author, you’re creating a way to view only the posts imported in that batch. Simply go to the Users → Edit screen and then click the number of posts next to the temporary import author. Boom, you’re looking at only the imported posts. Then, as you clean up their categories and tags using 2.7’s bulk edit or quick edit features, you can simultaneously reassign the posts to their proper author. Once there are no more posts for that temporary import author, delete that author, and you’re done!

58 thoughts on “Tip for merging two WordPress blogs

  1. I’ve just moved a big site from one host to an other, which was quite complicated. As for the Export/Import functionality, they don’t include many of your settings, so lots of work under the Manage or Settings menus – or with eg widgets – has to be done all over. Even phpMyAdmin (a very well-considered database tool) made problems because the exported database becomes too big. Actually, the DB Manager plugin was the most helpful too out there.
    – Dolcevita.no – finally on new server

  2. Having merged two blogs let me tell you the best thing you can do is install fresh copy of wordpress away from either install. I did it locally on my desktop. You will be able to check for theme issues and duplicate pages, tags, categories etc and eliminate or merge as needed. Once you have worked out all the kinks export your merged copy and import it into a new DB on on your blogs server leaving both old DB’s intact until you know everytyhing is running smoothly.

  3. As a newbie trying to import a big blog, I’m trying to find tips on editing xml files. I’d like to know how to start and terminate the file properly, and where to break.

    Excuse my asking in a comment, but the WordPress fora have been pretty unfriendly in the past and give me the jitters.

  4. Don’t forget about uploaded images and the like. The export does not export them. You’re going to wind up having to do a search and replace in all your source blogs posts to change the URL’s of the images in the target blog.

    It would be really nice if WP did images and other uploads with a variable for the URL such as [blogurl]/wp-content/uploads/ that’s processed on post display rather than having hard links.

    I wrote a tutorial a while back on a forum I frequent; I hope you don’t mind the link drop, it’s informational. 🙂 http://www.webtalkforums.com/showthread.php?t=8762

  5. A problem which plagued me when importing was:
    words like can’t would be imported as can”t.

    Just something more to look out for…

  6. You can also delete the new user and when doing so, choose to reassign the posts to a different user. Provides a nice way to process the imported posts without having to manually reassign each one to the correct author.

  7. Excellent information! The issue hasn’t come up for us… yet, but having the advice (and all the great comment tips and suggestions) will be very handy!

  8. I administrate two blogs: ehinarr.wordpress.com and press.prestashopbr.com. There are how make some simultaneous posts?

  9. I did this for a website I now administer. Worked flawlessly. I am a frequent WordPress critic but the consolidation was as smooth as can be.

    ehinarr — I’ve been trying to get FeedWordPress to go for that, so far no dice.

  10. What constitutes “too big” of a file? I have about 4 years of posts in one blog. I’d like to merge into a clean install of 2.7.

  11. I currently have 4 blogs and am planning on merging all into 1. I am on the 2.7 upgrade. has anyone run into major issues or is it pretty easy to accomplish??

    I am not very techy but it appears fairly easy. I will of course back up everything. Any assist on this would be appreciated.


  12. @Scott ~ I had problems! Check the newly created file before your try to export! I have about 4 years worth of posts and WP seemed to just give up after about half. I tried again and even more unusual was the 1st and 2nd file were different sizes.

  13. One suggestion that I would make to folks is to go under the hood of WordPress a little bit. Perhaps you may want to try this with a test blog first. But, everything is stored in MySql and if you learn a little of that with php you can correct any errors that may occur as you merge blogs. And you can also do cool personalizations of your blog!

  14. tips on this. Fortunately I only have about six months worth of post, so the file sizes shouldn’t be to big. When I went into the export yesterday it said a max of 64 megs and I am pretty sure I will be no where near that size.

    U figure if I back everything up and things are safe I should be o.k., Hopefully!

    Thanks for the feedback!

  15. nice tips, not only for the merging part, but also for the bulk edit category tip, i didn’t realize that this feature already implemented in wp2.7 😛

    in the previous wp, usually i use wp batch category plugin to did that.

  16. Excellent site markjaquith.wordpress.com and I am really pleased to see you have what I am actually looking for here: this .. as it’s taken me literally 1 hours and 55 minutes of searching the web to find you (just kidding!) so I shall be pleased to become a regular visitor 🙂

  17. I have any problem with a gallery, wp_postmeta no has been send to a new web, and no appear gallerys…

  18. hi , thanks a lot ,I created the blog first in my sub folder ,as it doing well now want to have in the root folder of my site. just i created another word press installation and searching the solution ,yours is the right solution thanks for the tips.(I plan to keep the two blgos for some time until people get used to new root . will it effect my search engine optimization (duplicate content )

  19. Pingback: Merging blogs
  20. Thanks for the tip! I just merged two blogs and this post was very useful. I wrote more details about my merging experience in my blog, but to sum it up, the two (minor) issues I faced are files and links.
    The importing of uploaded files didn’t quite work in WP 2.8.4: it seems to require files to have certain extensions (just media files?). I also missed the facility of exporting/importing links and their categories. I’m sure the WP team will solve these problems in the future 😉 and make it even easier to transfer content among blogs.

  21. I was curious if it’s a good idea to merge two blogs (that reside on the same site) into the better performing blog. We have one blog that houses our newsletter articles and the other is an actual blog with ‘how-to’ pay per click advertising related articles. And I’m wondering if we should merge them or not?? Do you have any advice on this?
    Thank you!

  22. I just followed your advice and it made the import process very smooth. However, I might add that before importing to the new blog, you may want to disable any plugins that feed your posts out to twitter or other sites like it, on the blog receiving the import …I learned that one the hard way.

  23. Note – in addition, you can also manage it by exporting them category by category

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