I have no idea who’ll use this, but why not?

Seen on the changelog for Paparazzi!, a clever OS X app for taking full-height screenshots of websites:

JPEG 2000 export (under Tiger). I have no idea who’ll use this, but why not?

The moment you see that on a WordPress changelog message, it’ll be time to jump ship (or rather, “fork ship”). The question answers itself: because there is no obvious benefit, and there are several hidden costs.

7 thoughts on “I have no idea who’ll use this, but why not?

  1. Changes to other code could break it. It’s a support and maintenance burden.

    You can never get rid of it, because there be that vocal 1% minority that’ll make your life hell if you try.

  2. Not that it’s *really* important, but I thought about it some more, and I’m now seeking input from my users. I’m excitable. 🙂

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