Show all categories on the post editing screen

Isn’t it annoying when you have a site with a reasonable number of categories, say 15, and WordPress only shows you the first 8 in the category checkbox widget? Ugh, scrolling is annoying.

Try this super-simple plugin. It’s so simple that the plugin’s content is embedded into that link (seriously). There, now you’ll never see a scrollbar in the category widget. You’re welcome!

(Requires WordPress 2.7… upgrade already!)

Updated to work with WordPress 2.8.

Update: put it in the plugin repository. Download here.

14 thoughts on “Show all categories on the post editing screen

  1. Cool idea, though obviously if you have a REALLY serious category collection (hundreds) this will create a space bigger than you would want (i.e. I’d rather scroll inside the form thing than have a list taller than my screen).

    For those looking for some in-between I recommend just adding a height to the div in your admin.css file (which you can add to your theme and will change the admin). Something like:

    #categorydiv #categories-all {

    You could also add that css to the admin in plugin or functions.php code using the admin_head action hook.

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