WordPress 2.0.7 Upgrade: changed files ZIP, changes diff, changed files list

WordPress 2.0.7 has been released, incorporating a security fix, and a few other bug fixes. This is a mandatory upgrade. If you want the full zip with the entire WP install, download it here.

If you are upgrading from WordPress 2.0.6, you obviously don’t need the entire install, you just need the files that have changed. Because my upgrade files for 2.0.3 through 2.0.6 were so popular (and thanks to countless words of praise and even a few generous monetary donations), I’m going to continue to provide the same files for this and future 2.0.x upgrades.

Changed Files List

Changed Files List (2.0.6 » 2.0.7)
This is a list of all the files that have changed since the last (2.0.6) release. You can also see the changes and their corresponding tickets on Trac.

Changed Files ZIP

Changed Files ZIP (2.0.6 » 2.0.7)
This is what most people will want. This is a zip file that includes only the files that have changed since the last (2.0.6) release. This will save you a lot of FTP upload time.

Changes Diff

Changes Diff (2.0.6 » 2.0.7)
This is a diff file (a patch) with all the changes made since the last (2.0.6) release. Make sure you do a trial run by using the patch command’s --dry-run (or equivalent) switch, to verify that the patch will apply cleanly.


I prepared these files myself and have tested them. Still, I cannot stress enough the importance of making a full file and database backup before attempting to upgrade WordPress using these or any other files. I cannot be responsible for your carelessness. Make a backup!

I should mention that these files are unofficial. They were made on my own time, of my own volition, without any input from other WordPress developers and without any official sanction from Automattic inc.

78 thoughts on “WordPress 2.0.7 Upgrade: changed files ZIP, changes diff, changed files list

  1. Thanks for another set of changes! As soon as I saw there was an update I came here and found your changes ZIP. YOU ROCK! This has got to be the fastest update I’ve ever applied. Too bad it won’t be so easy when I update to 2.1, but that’s cool.

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  4. Thanks for the “Changed Files ZIP” … again. 🙂
    This makes updating so much easier. I wonder why this is not available on wordpress.org.

  5. Pingback: gonnalearn.com
  6. Can I ask a stupid question please? This is my first time doing this;

    Can I just FTP the updated files to the correct folders on the server and overwrite the old ones?

    Do you have to run the Diff file, or does that just make it quicker? I ask, because I’ve never run server shell commands before, and although I’m sure my host would support that, looking at the CP it’s not immediately obvious how I would do that.


  7. Mark, I’m currently running WP 2.0.6. Thanks for making upgrading to 2.0.7 easy. But I wonder if there’s a problem here. I saw differences between the list of changes from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 in your wordpress.org blog posting and the Codex instructions” for upgrading 2.0.6 to 2.0.7. Codex says that Akismet has been updated, so I decided to check for myself.

    I extracted the complete 2.0.6 and 2.0.7 versions into separate directories named 2.0.6 and 2.0.7. Then I compared the two directories with the Linux command diff -r 2.0.6 2.0.7. It showed lots of changes in Akismet; that plugin seems to have gone from version 1.2.1 (in WP 2.0.6) to version 1.8.1 (in WP 2.0.7).

    I’m fairly new to WordPress, so maybe I’m missing something. Should your blog, zip file and changed files list tell us to also update Akismet? Or should I leave Akismet alone?


  8. You are the best!!!!!!!

    Always thank you sooooo much for making our upgrades SO LOT easier, I highly appreciate your works!!!

    Best regards,

  9. Jerry,
    Nothing has changed in Akismet between 2.0.6 and 2.0.7, or in wp-content at all… 2.0.6 also contains version 1.8.1 of Akismet. I’m about 99% sure that none of my previous “changed files only” diffs has included anything in wp-content because I didn’t want people accidentally overwriting any customized files. In the past, I have noted when things have changed in wp-content so that people using any of those plugins or themes could update them individually. I do believe that my diffs have included wp-content changes, since those will play nicely with modified files in most cases.

    Can I just FTP the updated files to the correct folders on the server and overwrite the old ones?

    Do you have to run the Diff file, or does that just make it quicker? I ask, because I’ve never run server shell commands before, and although I’m sure my host would support that, looking at the CP it’s not immediately obvious how I would do that.

    Yes, you can just FTP the updated files and overwrite the old ones. The diff file is just another route. For people with many blogs to update, this may be faster. But if you’re not comfortable with using shell access to your server, just use the zip.

    Zip Code,
    These files are for going from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 … if you were still on 2.0.5, you’ll have to install all the files from the full download. I don’t provide upgrade files for multi-version jumps because (a) it’s be a lot of work for me and (b) I want to encourage people to keep their blog upgraded.

  10. Hey,
    I have found a little problem: I have missed the 2.0.6 upgrade, so I have made a 2.0.5 to 2.0.7 full upgrade. I have a shell account on my wordpress web server, so using wget I have take the latest.tar.gz archive. As usual.
    BUT trying to unpack the archive…
    # tar zxvf latest.tar.gz
    gzip: stdin has more than one entry–rest ignored
    tar: Child returned status 2
    tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

    hummm… After some investigations 🙂 I have found the problem: the tar.gz file is a ZIP file with the changed extension.

    Following the “debug”:

    # file latest.tar.gz
    latest.tar.gz: Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract

    # file good_tgz_file.tar.gz
    good_tgz_file.tar.gz: gzip compressed data, from Unix

    I suppose this problem need to be fixed 🙂

    Thank you!

  11. Paolo,
    You’re absolutely correct. Matt was tinkering with the download script recently and must have inadvertently pointed the tar.gz download to the zip file. I just had him fix it. Thanks for reporting!

  12. Zip Code,
    The only thing you should do is manually upgrade any default plugins (like Akismet) that you may be using. Otherwise, you should be good.

  13. Just a heads up: my version of patch doesn’t sport a –dryrun option. We get –check or -C.

    patch version 2.1 (FreeBSD)

    This rocks, though.

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