WordPress 2.7 Now Available!

WordPress 2.7 is now available! Users with a 2.7 beta or RC version can just go to Tools → Upgrade to get the latest version.

I’m incredibly excited to finally be able to release this to the world. For months, the entire WordPress core development team has been obsessing over this release. We’ve agonized over the smallest of details. We’ve spent long nights refining and tweaking when we should have long ago given up and gone to bed. The people-hours that have gone into this are tremendous, but more than that, we’ve poured our hearts and our souls into this release.

That’s not to say that it’s perfect. Some part of us wants to hoard this release away until we can polish it to complete perfection. But that wouldn’t be fair to you. It’s time to show our work. We hope you like it. We’re incredibly proud of it.

It’s certainly not a small change, especially for the WordPress admin. Change is difficult, even when for the better, so give it a fair trial before judging it. You’ll have developed “muscle memory” for certain tasks, so it will take a little while to rewire your brain. We think that once you’ve given yourself a chance to learn the new positions and functions, you’ll find that you’re a lot faster, and a lot more efficient at managing your WordPress site.

Favorite New Features

Without a doubt, my favorite new feature is comment moderation keyboard shortcuts. It has bothered me for a long time that comment moderation was such a tedious chore. Keyboard shortcuts (and the new inline reply) make it significantly less of a chore.

The new customizable post screen is a close second. I love that I can completely hide away all of the stuff that I don’t use (by clicking the “Screen Options” tab), and keep tags and categories on the right, while increasing the size of my post content box.

The new Publish module on the post screen is a personal treasure of mine. I took point on that, with some excellent design guidance from Jane Wells. It moves the “Save Draft” and “Publish” buttons far apart (a common complaint was that their proximity lead to accidental premature publishing. The Preview button now shows you the most recent changes to your post… not just the last saved version. Additionally, you can preview changes on published posts without those changes being shown publicly (until you’re ready). The Visibility section is new, and contains the functionality of private posts, password-protected posts, and sticky posts. Future posting is a lot more clear now. When you edit the time stamp to point to a future date, the “Publish” button becomes “Schedule.” All these changes were made to make your Publish module function predictably, so that you’re never wondering what happens when you click something.

The new menu system is great. I operate it in folded mode, so that my content can really take center stage.

There are too many new features to mention, and too many enhancements too small to make the features list (such as improved canonical URL support for even better SEO). Give it a try, and let us know what you think!

75 thoughts on “WordPress 2.7 Now Available!

  1. I waited for the RC-1 and upgraded…then to RC-2 and finally to this one….

    WOW….I am not just IMPRESSED, but since I started back a year ago with 2.3, THIS one is phenomenial.

    Yes, the interface is a LOT different, but click around the new interface, and the logical layout really begins to make it a lot easier to navigate the back end of your blog. In 15-20 minutes, you will wonder WHY this hadn’t happened yesterday.

    My humble THANK YOU WordPress and team for a super job on this new release….honestly, you could stop NOW and you would be worlds ahead of anything out there for the blogging community.

  2. Wow.. Thank you so much for pulling out yet another great release. I have upgraded my site with latest version already…

    Awesome.. I like the features very much.. I am yet to explore more.

  3. I am new to blogging and to wordpress. I am having difficulty making sense of many things. I’ve tried to upgrade from 2.3 but I’m not meeting any success. Any assistance would be appreciated! Thanks!

  4. Nice, but I think I’ve to install 2.7 manually. When trying to upgrade via “Tools → Upgrade” I get:

    “Unable to locate WordPress directory. Installation Failed”.

    Hmm …

  5. A serious BRAVO, you guy are rockstars, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! Now need to figure out how to upgrade within RC 2, it keeps hanging!

    Rock on ROCKSTARS!

  6. Pingback: Fett's blog
  7. I’m sure there are additions I will really appreciate. But, the dashboard has regressed in design. The handy(and well layed out) top menu has been replaced by a very inconvenient and somewhat clumsy left hand, scroll down menu. Really disappointed.

  8. Very cool, just got upgraded and starting to check things out! Ran into one glitch…the updates to canonical.php broke my RSS url, which lives at /rss.xml. It’s a bit old skool but that’s its home and I’m not going to move it. A few-line patch at the top of redirect_canonical(), to disallow /rss.xml from conicalization, was all it took to fix. Since you guys can be fanatical — in the best possible way — about customization through plugins instead of code edits, you might want to consider facilitating an exlusion list of URLs that should not get canonicalized. In any case, thanks so much for your efforts!

  9. Awesome application! New to the blog world but have followed many sites for some time. After some false starts with MAC OS X Leopard and the assortment of “updates” to the underpinnings, I have finally achieved the end result, WordPress 2.7 alive. Thank you for the fantastic toolset and making it easy.

  10. I use WP 2.6 at the moment and everything works extremely well.I´m worried that some of the plugins I use will not work after I upgrade, so I think I will wait a while.Besides, WP 2.8 is probably coming out soon as well. Is it really necessary to upgrade all the time?

  11. Hi,

    I upgraded to wordpress 2.7 last week. It was working fine until today.

    My problem is that when I click publish I am taken to a 404 error page and nothing gets published.

    I thought you might be able to help me to solve the problem. I put a lot of time and effort into establishing my blog and I won’t be very happy if this problme is resolved soon. I have posted my problem in the wordpress help forum but nobody, at least as of this moment has replied.

    I really need some help here.

    Other than that I think the platform is great.

    Best Regards,


  12. И где берётся такое количество фантазии и писательского мастерства ? Вобщем, автору зачОт за эту статью !

  13. Мне кажется нельзя оставлять эту публикацию без внимания, тема очень актуальная и животрепещущая. Может обсудим ?

  14. Статью внимательно прочитал. А что нет комментариев? Очень интересно было бы прочитать мнения толковых людей, кто разбирается в этой теме.

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